Oversleeping is not fun! [9/6/12]
When I woke up this morning, I knew something was off. As I glanced at my alarm clock, my thoughts went a little like this:
- It’s 10 am.
- Crap!
- I should have been in class an hour ago.
- I have to leave for another class in 20 minutes..
- Awesome.
As I sleepily pulled myself together for class this morning, I texted my mom and vented a little bit about not waking up on time. I found she had almost called me, and that my alarm had been on the radio setting. Not being in Florida, it didn’t pick up a radio station, and the volume had been too low for the static to wake me up. It was as if everything was against me going to class this morning.
Being a girly girl doesn’t help.
It’s not that I need to be wearing makeup or to have my hair done to feel confident, but it certainly makes me feel much more put together. I’m not usually the roll out of bed and go type. I had to work with the time I had this morning however, so I went through a mental check list:
- Teeth brushed?
- Clothes?
- Laptop?
- Keys?
- Shoes?
Finally, I managed to leave and get myself out and to my second class on time. Hopefully my alarm clock will be more cooperative with me in the future!
P.S. Here’s a little thought for today! Everything happens for a reason!
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