Data Mining and Text Mining
The part of the readings this week that I found most interesting was in the Cohen article on data mining. The author discussed H-Bots and the mechanics that make them work. I feel that I’ve brought this up multiple times in my previous blog posts, but it’s amazing how simple technology and the internet have made parts of our lives, especially research. I think that this type of resource would be a great tool to use to answer questions while I continue to work on my final project.
Another resource that stuck out to me from the syllabus this week is Wordle. I’ve used Wordle in the past for fun, but had never really considered it as a tool for analyzing text. However, I think that it’s an easy way to grab the main points from an article or speech, because it emphasizes the words that are repeated most often. Wordle definitely could also be helpful in my research for my final project!
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